Protect Yourself and Others

We recommend planning your trip in advance, preparing for various weather and trail conditions, and practicing common trail etiquette to create a safe and enjoyable trip. The Great Allegheny Passage is a beautiful outdoor space freely open for public enjoyment and the Great Allegheny Passage Conservancy cannot and does not guarantee your safety while you’re traveling. 


The Great Allegheny Passage is open from dawn to dusk. You may want a flashlight, headlamp, or bike light for tunnels, but you should plan on daylight travel only. While most of the Great Allegheny Passage is open year-round, the Big Savage Tunnel is completely closed from late November to early April. There is no detour.


The speed limit on the GAP is 15 miles per hour.  Please travel single file and stay to the right.  Give an audible signal when passing, pass on the left, and only when it is safe to do so.

Take extra caution and slow down when trail surface is slippery or when crowded.  Give extra space to younger or older travelers.  

By Pennsylvania state law, bicyclists under the age of 12 (and under age 15 in Maryland) must wear helmets, and we recommend them for everyone.

Stay on trail and please respect private property.  Most land adjacent to the GAP is privately-owned.

Stop at all railroad and street crossings, and watch for bollards, vehicles and uneven trail surfaces.  Take extra care along the short and infrequent sections of the GAP that follow shared roadways.    


Wheelchairs and similar devices built specifically for mobility disabilities are allowed on the GAP.


No vehicles powered by internal combustion are permitted on the GAP, except those authorized for maintenance and emergency purposes.  Other power-driven mobility devices, not specifically designed for disabilities, may be used in Pennsylvania, provided:

  • Motors on electric vehicles are 750 watts or less
  • Devices weigh less than 100 lbs.
  • Device are no more than 36″ wide
  • Devices have fully operating pedals

Camping and Fires

No fires or camping are allowed, except in designated hiker-biker campgrounds.


No alcohol is permitted.


Please leash and control your pet, and remove pet waste.  Pay special attention to other travelers, especially those approaching on bikes, to avoid injury.  Horseback riding is permitted along designated sections of the GAP, and only adjacent to trail surface. 

Leave No Trace

Dispose of your waste properly, respect wildlife, leave what you find, and be considerate of other visitors.

Groups and Events

Advanced permission, a paid permit, and a certificate of commercial liability insurance are required for any commercial activity along the GAP.  Advanced permission, a paid permit, and a certificate of commercial liability insurance are also required for any organized for-profit or nonprofit group event (ride, run, walk, or gathering) in which participants pay to register or if the event will include more than 25 people.  Additional permits may be required depending on which sections of the GAP your group or event would like to use.  Please contact the Regional Trail Corporation at 724-872-5586 or to request a permit.

We encourage your group  to spend money locally in trail towns rather than bringing in mobile food trailers.  Keep in mind that most trail town lodging and restaurants appreciate advance notice or reservations for large groups, and that you may need to split up among several lodging partners or restaurants. 


Call 911 in case of emergency, and always alert a friend to your intended plans.