Support the GAP

The Great Allegheny Passage thrives because of the generosity of people like you. Donations, purchases of TrailGuide, and advertising help the GAP Conservancy and a web of trail owners and volunteer trail groups maintain the GAP and promote tourism in trail towns. Give today to preserve the beauty, history and safety of the Great Allegheny Passage.

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Great Allegheny Passage Conservancy, which makes grants to perform emergency maintenance, updates wayfinding signage and maps, and promotes traveling the GAP to new audiences. Help keep the Great Allegheny Passage fit for the long haul.

Pitch in with a local volunteer group to clear fallen trees, restore drainage ditches, or remove invasive weeds. Serve during a “trail count” day. The GAP was built on the backs of volunteers, and depends on advocates like you to make a difference.

Promote your trail-facing business or brand on this website, in TrailGuide, or in our e-newsletter, and let travelers know how to find your products or services along the way.

Purchase jerseys, t-shirts, or stickers at our online store. Proceeds support maintenance along the Great Allegheny Passage.

Pick up TrailGuide: The Official Guide to Traveling the C&O Canal Towpath and Great Allegheny Passage, to plan your trip. Support local businesses in trail towns along the way.