Contractors are paving this section of the GAP; use sidewalks slowly and cautiously as a short detour.

Paving Project in Homestead Requires Sidewalk Detour

GAP Mile 140 | Reported on | Last Updated:

Contractors deployed by the Regional Trail Corporation are paving a 1.1 mile section of the Great Allegheny Passage between the Monongahela River and apartments and retail businesses in the Waterfront area, at approximately mile marker 140. Please use the sidewalks along East Waterfront Drive while this work is conducted, and proceed slowly and carefully, being attentive to other users and vehicles entering and exiting parking lots. Big thanks to the Steel Valley Trail Council for shepherding this project, made possible in part by a grant from the Great Allegheny Passage Conservancy. As of May 25, this section is ready for travel. Take care around the edges where new sod is still taking root.

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