Sleep Under the Stars from Washington, D.C. to Pittsburgh

Ready to slow-roll with all your gear, independent and free? Here’s one variant of a self-supported trip that takes advantage of the many hiker-biker campgrounds along the C&O Canal Towpath and a mix of public and commercial ones along the GAP. Your days are between 30 and 50 miles. Take advantage of trail towns to stock up on groceries.

You can do it in a week plus two adjacent weekends. We suggest starting in Washington, D.C. to tackle the bumpier towpath first. Use Amtrak’s Floridian or a shuttle service for your return trip. You can modify this itinerary by swapping in other campgrounds.

Day 1Washington D.C.Chisel Branch30.5 Miles
Day 2Chisel BranchHuckleberry Hill32.4 Miles
Day 3Huckleberry HillJordan Junction38.3 Miles
Day 4Jordan JunctionIndigo Neck38.0 Miles
Day 5Indigo NeckEvitts Creek40.9 Miles
Day 6Evitts CreekMaple Festival Park Primitive Campground36.3 Miles
Day 7Maple Festival Park Primitve CampgroundYoughiogheny Dam Outflow Campground29.5 Miles
Day 8Youghiogheny Dam Outflow CampgroundCedar Creek Park Campground48.9 Miles
Day 9Cedar Creek Park CampgroundDowntown Pittsburgh38.6 Miles
Family Biking at Deal

Go Overnight

Camping not your thing?  Find an overnight or thru trip on the GAP or C&O Canal Towpath that features comfortable lodging and great dining.

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Cyclists in Cedar Creek Park

Plan a Day Trip

Explore a beautiful stretch of the GAP or C&O Canal Towpath!  Visit a trail town on one of these recommended one way or round trip circuits.

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